6 Myths About Refrigerators Debunked


We all want to keep our families safe and healthy. It is important to learn how to keep food fresh and healthy. In this blog, we learn about how to stop bacteria and other unpleasant things from growing on your food and discover the truth about these common fisher paykel refrigerator

{fisher paykel frigo} myths (along with a few refrigerator tips).

Myth 1:  The dial in the fridge tells you about the temperature inside the fridge.

To measure temperature accurately, you need a refrigerator thermometer. Bacteria can be developing in your food if the temperature is higher than 4 C  in the fridge and higher than 0 C in the freezer.

Myth 2: Let food cool before putting it in the refrigerator.

Food has a higher likelihood of getting spoiled the longer it is left out on the counter. Ideally, you should put all your leftover food in containers cover it, and place them in the refrigerator.

Myth 3: It’s fine to thaw frozen food on a countertop.

If you leave frozen steak out to thaw on the countertop it is an open invitation to bacteria to the countertop. Instead, use cold water to thaw your steak. Alternatively, you can thaw the steak inside the refrigerator, or use the microwave to thaw it. If you are marinating food you can place the food in the fridge to rest.

Myth 4: Refrigerators cool evenly

It is true that some parts of the refrigerator, such as the doors, are warmer than others. The highest shelves are warmer than the lowest. You can use this knowledge to organize your food systematically to provide the most effective cooling for everything. Items like cooked dishes, for instance, can be kept on the higher racks, while items like bread loaves, eggs, etc. can be kept on the door shelves.

Myth 5 : Keep used cans in the fridge

Foods from opened cans have no place in the fridge – or anywhere else for that matter! The sheet metal used to make can rust the moment it comes into contact with oxygen. Oxygen exposure can produce hazardous compounds like the disease-causing plasticizer bisphenol. These contaminants may also be carried over to the can’s contents. Despite having a protective layer on the inside, a can opener frequently damages it. The best course of action is to put the remains in airtight glass containers or appropriate plastic boxes before storing them in a refrigerator.

Myth 6 : During a power cut your food will be safe if you do not open freezer and refrigerator door

 Your food should be fine if the power is out for less than four hours, but be safe and discard meat, dairy, and leftovers. Bread, hard cheese, and seasonal fruit and vegetables are all acceptable options.


We hope this blog has busted some preconceived notions about refrigerators and learn more about food safety.  Stay  safe!

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