Health – How do you know what you mean?


Are you healthy – or not sick? If this sounds like a trivial question, but how do you answer it? Isn’t it interesting that we can easily and specifically talk about our health at length, but we cannot talk about health in a way that arouses an unbelievable understanding of what is meant? Is it even important if there is a definition of a rather amorphous term? Well – we will not dare to go and see a doctor without any “symptoms” – the exception of your normal appearance or feelings or feelings? . In other words, health care must be more accurately referred to as “pain care”, because the system does not have an answer to a healthy one. As a result, the definition of “pain” is rather clear, it is a reduction or physical or functional function that is visible or experienced. There are many how to express, but the essence is the same.

Now try to define “health” and “to be healthy” with terms that arouse an equal understanding universally. Obviously a challenge, most dictionaries limit the term as something like “absence of disease”. But isn’t there more health than the absence of diseases that can be identified? Apart from clear physical health, what about mental health that is more hidden, emotional health, spiritual health, social health, intellectual health – not too important for the welfare of welfare? But does that mean “health” is the absence of problems and concerns (felt) – will “health” synonymous with happiness? Even reduced to physical health there is a broad ambiguous spectrum, if you feel tired or tired – are you sick or healthy? Is weight gain a disease or only a sign of hedonism? Are you sick because you need to read glasses? What about wrinkles and sagging skin – What is the aging of the disease? This mind opens the Pandora Box: What is the normal level of aging – where – and who is the authority to determine the benchmark for “normal”?

Are you really true or relatively healthy?

Researchers at Rice University have tried to define parameters to measure health. They concluded that health was measured in terms of

l) There is no physical pain, physical disability, or conditions that may cause death

2) Emotional welfare, and

3) satisfying social function.

But they acknowledge that there are no single standard measurement of individual or group health status, which can be assessed by observers. Therefore “health” is considered in this way to be relative and subjective, while we really want to know are:

Am I really healthy – measured objectively, not assumed subjectively with relative ratio to others. We do not compare our pain or defects with arthritis or neighboring cancer. On the contrary: we visualize and try to look as young and slim like people on the cover of magazines. Natural cravings like that is the basis of the beauty and anti-aging industry that continues to develop, even without objective standards.

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